Unifying the 130th Assembly District Is the Path Forward

As someone who is fully committed to the success and growth of the 130th Assembly District, I believe it’s time to move away from the historically motivated partisan politics that too often divide us. Like the old talk of dividing New York State into separate regions - Upstate and Downstate - but such a move would not serve the best interests of the people here in the 130th District. The idea of division may seem like a solution, but it’s largely driven by political motivations and ignores the real challenges we face locally.

Partisan politics has kept our district out of important conversations that could actually benefit us. Time and again, political division has prevented real solutions that would support small business growth, improve local opportunities, and help stop the decline of our rural economy. As a result, places like Wayne County are often seen as pass-through counties for most traffic, rather than as destinations with vibrant communities. This isn’t the future we want for our district.

I remember when the focus was on dividing the state with the belief that distinct political regions would better serve their residents. However, here in the130th Assembly District, we know that our community’s needs are far more complex than simple political lines can define. Splitting the state back then wouldn’t address the local economic needs or the challenges faced by small businesses and families in our district anymore then the continuing with partisan politics will. In fact, continuing in the current partisan manner could only make these issues worse by creating more barriers instead of fostering solutions that benefit everyone.

We need to move past these old divisions and focus on what really matters: building a stronger 130th District. We have the potential to grow and thrive through unified efforts—promoting economic development along Ridge Road, supporting local businesses, and improving services and resources for all residents.

My goal is to ensure that the 130th Assembly District is no longer left behind by state politics. The partisan politics will not provide the solutions we need. Instead, we should focus on balanced representation, economic fairness, and addressing the unique needs of our district. This approach will give the 130tha strong voice in shaping New York’s future.

By electing me, James Schuler, to the New York State Assembly, we can ensure that our district moves forward together, without being torn apart by partisan politics. I am committed to bringing people together, focusing on real solutions, and making sure that the future of the130th Assembly District is built on unity, not division. Together, we can create real progress and a brighter future for our community.

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