Blue and Red = Purple!

I'm running for the New York State Assembly in the 130th District with a vision that combines immediate action with strategic planning for the future. As a Purple Democrat, I believe in finding common ground and implementing pragmatic solutions that benefit all members of our community.

My campaign is centered around a "now and later" approach. I aim to expand youth employment programs to provide job opportunities and skills training beyond the summer months. By investing in our young people, we prepare them for future success and address current workforce needs, fostering a more equitable and prosperous society.

I am also committed to policies that prioritize family preservation. I believe strong families are the foundation of thriving communities, and I want to ensure that state agencies focus on keeping families together and providing the resources they need to stay intact.

Another key aspect of my platform is amending Mandated Reporter Laws to remove employer involvement, ensuring confidentiality and improving outcomes for vulnerable individuals.

I also support exploring hydropower as a sustainable energy source for electric school buses, reflecting my commitment to environmental responsibility and cost reduction. This practical approach addresses climate change and energy needs, appealing to both environmentally conscious voters and those focused on fiscal responsibility.

Educating the public on non-recreational uses of cannabis is also important to me. By highlighting its health, agricultural, and industrial benefits, I aim to inform and expand opportunities in this growing industry.

Finally, I want to improve state highway signage to highlight local towns and amenities, boosting tourism and stimulating local economies. This initiative reflects my commitment to economic development and community pride.

Throughout my campaign, I plan to host informational gatherings across the district to engage with the community, gather feedback, and ensure that my initiatives align with the needs of our constituents. Together, we can work towards positive change and long-term progress for the 130th District.My names is James Schuler and I am the best person to represent the 130th Assembly District in Albany.

Why, because I am Of the People, for the People!

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