My Mission for the 130th Assembly District

Charting a Course of Promise and Purpose

In the heart of the 130th Assembly District, we find ourselves at a pivotal juncture filled with potential and promise. I, James Schuler, am honored to embark on a mission devoted to uplifting every facet of our diverse community.

My Vision: Envision a community that resonates with vibrancy, inclusivity, and empowerment—a haven where every voice reverberates, affording each resident, regardless of age or background, the opportunity to flourish.

Core Values:

Young Adults Empowerment: Centrally positioning the needs and aspirations of our young adults, aged 18 to 35, with an all-encompassing approach that fosters collective well-being.

Accountability: Advocating for transparency, responsibility, and open communication within our community and in our interactions with the state government in Albany.

Positive Change: Committing to a future where optimism guides every decision, policy, and initiative for the betterment of our community.

Unity and Collaboration: Embracing diversity and fostering collaboration with community leaders, stakeholders, and state representatives to realize shared objectives.

Criminal Justice Reform: Endeavoring to render the 130th Assembly District safer for all through proactive measures against drugs and the conscientious handling of mental health issues.

Mission Objectives:

Amplify Our Voice in Albany: Vigorously advocating to ensure the distinctive concerns and aspirations of the 130th Assembly District are not only heard but effectively addressed at the state level.

Young Adults-Centric Policies with a Focus on Summer Jobs: Formulating and endorsing policies that empower our young adults, offering educational opportunities, and cultivating an environment conducive to personal and professional growth. A special emphasis on expanding the availability and accessibility of summer job programs.

Parental Involvement in Education: Championing legislation that affords parents a greater role in their children's education, acknowledging the pivotal influence parents exert on their child's academic journey.

Professional Autonomy in Reporting: Advocating for amendments to the NYS mandated reporter structure to safeguard professionals from undue pressures, allowing for thoughtful issue resolution.

Community-Driven Justice Reform: Collaborating closely with our community and lawmakers to overhaul our justice system, instilling a community-focused approach that supports the reintegration of individuals returning from incarceration. Advocating for partnerships between probation and parole departments and non-profits to support at-risk individuals, all while ensuring fiscal responsibility.

Accountable Governance: Striving for transparency and accountability in governmental processes, ensuring constituents are well-informed and engaged in decisions affecting their lives.

Community Building: Strengthening the social fabric of our community by fostering a sense of belonging, encouraging civic engagement, and supporting initiatives that uplift us collectively.

Inclusivity and Equality: Advocating for policies that eradicate discrimination, promoting equality to ensure every individual, regardless of background, has an equitable opportunity for success.

Bail Reform with Small-Town Focus: Addressing discrepancies in how bail reform is applied to small-town residents, acknowledging their unique challenges and circumstances, and striving for a balanced approach.

Small Business Growth: Cultivating a consumer-friendly environment in the 130th, nurturing the growth of small businesses through policies that encourage entrepreneurship and bolster local commerce.

Call for Job Creation: Urging larger businesses to actively participate in job creation within the 130th Assembly District, contributing to the economic prosperity of our community.

Revitalizing Small Towns along Ridge Road: Tackling challenges faced by small towns adversely affected by traffic diversions, particularly due to the creation of State Route 104. Developing and implementing strategic plans for revitalization, ensuring economic sustainability and overall well-being.

Destination District: Transforming our district into a destination for land and lake enthusiasts alike. Leveraging our unique geographical position to attract visitors, boost tourism, and establish a distinctive identity highlighting the beauty and opportunities of our district.

Ensuring Responsible Cannabis Initiatives: Recognizing the diverse potential of cannabis beyond recreational use, including its value in revitalizing the farming industry and retaining our youth who might otherwise leave. I'm committed to exploring and promoting responsible cannabis initiatives that contribute positively to our district's growth and vitality.

Preserving Traditions - Ensuring Responsible Gun Control Measures for Our Pastimes: Preserving cherished pastimes, such as hunting, by advocating for responsible gun control measures tailored to our region. Striving to ensure that such traditions continue to bring joy and a sense of community to our residents

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