James is not like the Rest!

I literally had to pull myself up by the bootstraps and do so on my own, with everyone looking for me to fail.

I advocate for all Wayne County youth. Many years ago, I started working with high school age youth to form a Youth Court. Youth Court is a Diversion program where youth (who commit less serious crimes and have only one offence) will be heard and sentenced using restorative practices by their peers. The panel does not determine innocence or guilt, they ask questions, deliberate and then pronounce sanction(s) that help the youth understand their wrongs, show remorse, and heal the harm caused by their acts.

I have spent the better part of the last twelve years working with people from all walks of life trying to steer our youth down a path to a positive outcome. I get results because I’m willing to work with anyone who shares the goal of creating a healthy, thriving society.

James Schuler for NYS Assembly


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